

How can I share my SQL queries?



How can I share my SQL queries?

Sharing is fundamental to QueryStash, the goal is to create an environment where the community of users can help each other develop and share knowledge.

To facilitate this making sharing queries easier and more appealing definitely warrants a little bit of attention. To start with some initial steps we have made a few updates this week to help fulfil this dream.

First the easy part, we have added a simple share to Twitter button right on the query page. You can find this by clicking on the blue share button within the dropdown menu.

Share Your SQL

However this is not all, now for the exciting part.

Now every time you create or update a new public query, we automatically generate an image. This is specifically designed for sharing content in a more appealing fashion, for example with the use of Twitter cards.

The actual image generated will look something like this.

SQL Query Snippet

So next time you edit or create a new query your image will be ready within a few seconds of pressing the "Save" button. Ready to share to the world.

Need a refresher on creating queries, don't forget to checkout our intro guide

How do we generate these images?

So you might be curious how we can generate beautiful images like this of your SQL code. The answer is Snaippify.io an incredible tool for creating amazing code snippet images to help you create content to share.

Anki & Dominik are building a great product to help people share in a beautiful way and we are privileged to be able to leverage their product to help enhance QueryStash.


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